Psalms 23: An Introduction

You drive down the road and a song plays on the radio that just reaches you where nothing else can. You feel all of the things but what you don't feel, is alone. You might shed a few tears or get the sense of an overwhelming peace. Whatever you do, it doesn't feel wrong. 

Music always seems to speak to to my soul but some things get the message a little deeper. Psalms 23 has always been the passage that I turn to when I need comfort. When I feel anxious, I recite it. I'm sure the doctors think I'm off my rocker, when the come in and I'm mumbling "thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me...". 

I want to begin a new series where we look at each verse in Psalm 23. I'm no Bible scholar, and I don't claim to be. I would love to share the history of each verse and share what each verse means to me. We will still continue with the "25 Things I Wish You Knew" series and I will continue to share some of the poetry that I have written. 

What are some Biblical passages that bring comfort to you? Where else do you find comfort? Please, share in the comments. I would love to hear from you.

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